- We believe that the Bible is the Word of God. As such:
- We believe that God created all things seen and unseen & that he made mankind to have a love relationship with Him and to carry out His will.
- We believe that man sinned & rebelled against God and chose to live independently of Him.
- We believe that God in His mercy made plans to restore fallen man to Himself. In so doing He called Abraham and his descendants to be His people through whom He could reach the world.
- We believe God promised to restore humanity “ through His Son, Jesus Christ, the Messiah.
- We believe Jesus was born to a virgin named Mary, and that Jesus lived a sinless life.
- We believe that Jesus offered his life on a cross in payment for our sins and guilt.
- We believe that Jesus rose from the dead on the third day.
- We believe that people can be restored to a right relationship with God and receive eternal life through faith and trust in what Jesus did.
- We believe God has established His Church in the earth under godly, God-appointed leadership to live for Him and to win souls for His kingdom.
- We believe that God empowers His church to serve Him through the Holy Spirit, and that each believer can and should be filled with His power.
- We believe that Jesus will return and that each person will one day stand before God and give an account of how they lived.